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Oportunidades digitales para promover la tecnología (ADOPT)

Second round of funding. $10.7 million available for equipment distribution and public Wi-Fi.

Oportunidades digitales para promover la tecnología (ADOPT)

Para hacer frente a la brecha digital y mejorar la equidad digital en todo el estado, la Oficina de Desarrollo de la Banda Ancha de Kansas (KOBD) ha anunciado que se abrirá el plazo de solicitud para el Programa de habilitación de equipos de tecnología de conectividad digital (DCT) y Wi-Fi público del Capitol Project Fund. Esta iniciativa es un paso crucial en la aplicación del recientemente publicado Plan de Equidad Digital de Kansas, diseñado para hacer frente a los retos de accesibilidad, asequibilidad y disponibilidad de dispositivos de banda ancha.

“It’s not enough to expand high-speed internet across Kansas – we must also show Kansans of all ages and backgrounds how to make the internet a useful tool in their everyday lives. These funds will provide the devices and skills training to help every Kansan benefit from our investments to make high-speed internet available in their local communities.”   

Gobernadora Laura Kelly

Información sobre el programa

Program Guidelines – Device Distribution & Public Wi-Fi

Advancing Digital Opportunities to Promote Technology

If you are interested in applying for these funds, please review the guidelines in full. There are different guidelines available for each program. You can find a full table of contents for available topics below.

    • Resumen ejecutivo
    • Resumen del programa
    • Admisibilidad
    • Periodo de comentarios públicos
    • Plazo de respuesta del solicitante
    • Datos clave del proyecto
    • Project Details
    • Executive Summary – Publicly Posted
    • Community Partners, Roles And Letters Of Commitment
    • Justification For The Project
    • Addressing A Critical Need Within the Community
    • Adoption And Digital Inclusion Efforts
    • Servicios asociados
    • Project Plan And Milestones
    • Budget Requirements
    • Sustainability and Long-Term Impact
    • Criterios de evaluación de las solicitudes
    • Scoring Criteria
    • Conformidad
    • Resumen del programa
    • Admisibilidad
    • Periodo de comentarios públicos
    • Plazo de respuesta del solicitante
    • Comentarios del público Cumplimiento
    • Datos clave del proyecto
    • Executive Summary – Publicly Posted
    • Service Area Map – Publicly Posted
    • Proprietary Detailed Map Of The Proposed Area
    • Community Partners, Roles And Letters Of Commitment
    • Justification For The Project
    • Addressing A Critical Need Within The Community
    • Adoption And Digital Inclusion Efforts
    • Plan técnico del proyecto
    • Servicios asociados
    • Diagrama de arquitectura de red
    • Infraestructura técnica propuesta
    • Long-Term Scalability
    • Project Plan And Milestones
    • Budget Requirements
    • Sustainability and Long-Term Impact
    • Criterios de evaluación de las solicitudes
    • Scoring Criteria
    • Conformidad
    • Calendario de subvenciones
    • Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)
    • Proceso de solicitud
    • Outcome Evaluation and Metrics
    • Program Inquiries – Quiet Period
    • Financial And Legal Requirements
    • Entrevista con el candidato
    • Desembolso de fondos
    • Project Extensions
    • Conformidad

Application Portal & Resources
Grant Timeline – Device Distribution & Public Wi-Fi

Calendario de subvenciones

The application window will be open for eight (8) weeks. Applicant interviews for selected applications will follow public comment and applicant response windows, which will be followed by Kansas Department of Commerce leadership grant selection and award announcements. Program timelines are provided below for reference.

  • December 11, 2024: Grant Webinar, Program Guidelines Posted, Application Window Opens (8 weeks)
  • February 5, 2025: Application Window Closes (5pm CST)
  • February 13, 2025: Public Comment Window Opens (2 weeks)
  • March 5, 2025: Public Comment Window Closes (5pm CST)
  • March 17, 2025: Applicant Response to Public Comment Window Opens (2 weeks)
  • March 28, 2025: Applicant Response to Public Comment Window Closes
  • April 28, 2025: Applicant Interviews and Final Applicant Deliberations (5 weeks)
  • June 3, 2025: Leadership Review (2 weeks)
  • June 16, 2025: Targeted Awards Announcement

KOBD reserves the right to request additional information regarding applications throughout the application process review period.

Eligible Applicants – Device Distribution & Public Wi-Fi

Candidatos admisibles

Los solicitantes admisibles son:

  • Other levels or units of government (e.g., municipalities or counties)
  • Organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro
  • Gobiernos tribales
  • Private entities
  • Cooperativas
  • Servicios eléctricos
  • Other entities that build or operate broadband networks, including networks that are owned, operated by or affiliate with local governments

Note: Eligible nonprofit organizations must have their own 501 C (3) tax status (or be a part of or chapter of a national organization that is a 501 C (3) nonprofit organization).

Subrecipients implementing the free public Wi-Fi service will be required to provide free public Wi-Fi services within the proposed service area that directly enables work, education, and health monitoring for at least five years from the completion of the Project. Subrecipients implementing the equipment distribution
solution will be required to directly enable work, education, and health monitoring activities over the useful life of the asset.

Program Overview – Equipment Distribution

Program Overview – Equipment Distribution
The Advancing Digital Opportunities to Promote Technology (ADOPT) 2.0 program has been established by KOBD to award Capital Project Fund (CPF) grant dollars to eligible entities to make devices available to individuals who do not subscribe to broadband connectivity due to lack of devices and equipment. For qualifying individuals, the program makes devices such as computers, laptops, and tablets available through a no-cost, short or long-term loan programs administered by eligible entities. The primary objective of this program is to award funding to eligible entities to distribute no-cost devices and equipment (computers, laptops and tablets) to critical need individuals who lack devices and equipment. Eligible entities (i.e. subrecipients) will retain ownership of the devices throughout the project period. Key program information is as follows:

  • Total program funding available: Up to $10.7M in grant awards will be available across both sub-programs for applications best meeting the program guidelines
  • Solicitation date: December 11, 2024
  • Application window: Eight (8) weeks
  • Targeted award date: June 16, 2025
  • Project period: December 1, 2024, through September 30, 2026
  • Importe máximo de la ayuda individual: $500.000
  • Minimum applicant match: 2% of total project cost
  • Minimum co-investment amount: 1% of total project cost
  • Funding source: Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (CPF), established by Section 604 of the Social
  • Security Act, as added by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
  • KOBD reserves the right to distribute funds geographically to ensure Kansans can equally benefit
    from the program
  • Governing Compliance Reference:
    • Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200) applies to this program, including the Property
      Standards, Cost Principles and Single Audit Act requirements. Additionally, 2 CFR 200.471
      and 2 CFR 200.216 identify specific telecommunications and video surveillance costs that
      no son admisibles
    • US Treasury Guidance: Guidance For the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund for States,
      Territories & Freely Associated States 2021 and Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund
      Compliance and Reporting Guidance for States, Territories, and Freely Associated States,
      August 2024
  • Investments in equipment must be carried out in ways that comply with applicable federal laws, including Public Law 115-232, Section 889 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2019. It contains prohibitions on the use of grant funds to procure or obtain certain telecommunications and video surveillance services or equipment provided or produced by designated entities, including certain entities owned or controlled by the People’s Republic of China. The subrecipient will be required to certify that it shall not provide or procure to the State of Kansas or any agency thereof any covered telecommunications equipment either in whole or in part of any product or during the commission of any service

See “Common Program Attributes” section for program requirements applicable to both the Public Wi-Fi
and Equipment Distribution sub-programs.

Program Overview – Public Wi-Fi

Program Overview – Public Wi-Fi

The objective of the Capital Projects Fund (CPF) Advancing Digital Opportunities to Promote Technology (ADOPT) 2.0 program administered through the KOBD is to provide access to free high-quality, reliable public Wi-Fi based broadband in Kansas. Public Wi-Fi applications will be accepted with priority given to applications that address unserved and economically distressed areas which have a compelling need for free Wi-Fi based broadband services that bridge critical access gaps to support quality of life considerations. Applicants are expected to engage community leaders and stakeholders in the development of projects that
will benefit Kansas citizens and communities. Key information for the program is as follows: “Public Wi-Fi” is defined as Wi-Fi solutions that are capable of delivering qualifying broadband speeds serving a specific geographic area with user end points connecting directly to the public Wi-Fi infrastructure
See “Common Program Attributes” for program requirements applicable to both the Public Wi-Fi and Equipment Distribution sub-programs.

  • Total program funding available: Up to $10.7M in grant awards will be available across both sub-programs for applications best meeting the program guidelines
  • Solicitation date: December 11, 2024
  • Application window: Eight (8) weeks
  • Targeted award date: June 16, 2025
  • Project period: December 1, 2024, through September 30, 2026
  • Maximum individual award: $1,000,000
  • Minimum applicant match: 5% of the total project cost
  • Minimum co-investment amount: 2% of total project cost
  • Funding source: Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (CPF), established by Section 604 of the Social
  • Security Act, as added by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
  • KOBD reserves the right to distribute funds geographically to ensure Kansans can equally benefit
  • from the program
  • Governing Compliance Reference:
    • Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200) applies to this program, including the Property Standards, Cost Principles and Single Audit Act requirements. Additionally, 2 CFR 200.471 and 2 CFR 200.216 identify specific telecommunications and video surveillance costs that are unallowable
    • US Treasury Guidance: Guidance For the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund for States, Territories & Freely Associated States 2021 and Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund Compliance and Reporting Guidance for States, Territories, and Freely Associated States, August 2024
  • Investments in Capital Projects must be carried out in ways that comply with applicable federal laws, including Public Law 115-232, Section 889 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2019. It contains prohibitions on the use of grant funds to procure or obtain certain telecommunications and video surveillance services or equipment provided or produced by designated entities, including certain entities owned or controlled by the People’s Republic of China. The subrecipient will be required to certify that it shall not provide or procure to the State of Kansas or any agency thereof any covered telecommunications equipment either in whole or in part of any product or during the commission of any service
  • “Public Wi-Fi” is defined as Wi-Fi solutions that are capable of delivering qualifying broadband speeds serving a specific geographic area with user end points connecting directly to the public Wi-Fi infrastructure

See “Common Program Attributes” for program requirements applicable to both the Public Wi-Fi and Equipment Distribution sub-programs.

Preguntas frecuentes

FAQs – Updated 1/15/2025 (PDF for download)

Q. Are schools allowed to apply for this program?
A. Yes, schools are allowed to apply for this program.  Eligible applicants can be found on page 35 of program guidelines.

Q. Are hotspots to connect the devices an allowable expense? (please note this is updated from the webinar response)
A. No, hotspots are not an allowed expense and are considered an ineligible cost.  Permitted equipment within the ADOPT Public Wi-Fi program includes equipment installed as part of a public wi-fi infrastructure solution such as access points, repeaters, routers, and associated infrastructure.

Q. Are salaries for digital skills trainers an eligible expense? 
A. Yes, salaries for digital skills trainers are an eligible expense.  Subrecipients must provide hourly allocation documentation for salaried trainers as needed.

Q. What happens if a device is checked out and is not returned by the recipient? 
A.  If a device is checked out and not returned by an end user, subrecipients need to make sure they are:

  • meeting the requirements of the subrecipient’s agreement to maintain records on status of equipment
  • following the 2 CFR 200.313 guidelines as it applies
  • following their organization’s policies and procedures for lost or stolen equipment

Q: Is the project period start date 12/1 or 12/11? Are expenses incurred prior to the award date but after the project period start date eligible for reimbursement?
A: Project period start date is 12/1/2024 and ends 9/30/2026.  Expenses incurred after 12/1/2024, and prior to award date, are eligible for reimbursement if a grant award is made.  Expenses are subject to approval once submitted for review.   The application window opens on 12/11/2025 and closes on 2/5/2025.

Q. Are camps allowed to apply?
A. Yes, if they fall under the eligible applicant definitions.  See page 35, “Eligible Applicants” section of the ADOPT 2.0 Program Guidelines for further applicant eligibility information.

Q. Is marketing to promote the free Wi-Fi an eligible expense?
A. Marketing to promote the free Wi-Fi service is not an eligible expense.  However, public outreach is considered an acceptable expense.

Q. Are State Departments such as Parks/Department of Health eligible for the project funds?
A. Yes, State Departments such as Parks/Department of Health would fall under “other levels or units of government.  See page 35, “Eligible Applicants” section of the ADOPT 2.0 Program Guidelines for further applicant eligibility information.

Q. How are you considering BEAD applications vs. applications for this program since they’re both for unserved/underserved areas? For the same geographic area.
A.  ADOPT Public Wi-Fi applications are meant to enable free Wi-Fi based internet in public spaces and would not be enabling any specific BEAD eligible location(s) within qualifying broadband speeds.  BEAD is intended to serve individual locations (broadband serviceable locations/BSLs) and this program intends to serve public spaces within communities and not to any specific BSL.

Q. Will the specific scoring criteria and point system be available online or made public so that we are aware how many points are available for each criteria? 
A. The weighted scoring criteria is available within the program guidelines.  Specific points are not available, however, percentages per scoring category are documented. 

Q. On the geo-tracking requirement for device lending – how will this tracking information be used?
A. This requirement has been removed from the guidelines.

Q. Is dark fiber an allowable cost if was the source of public Wi-Fi in parks?
A. Fiber infrastructure capital outlays that enable or directly connect to the Wi-Fi infrastructure are an eligible expense.  Monthly recurring charges to lease and / or operate fiber infrastructure enabling the public Wi-Fi service are ineligible expenses.

Q. How are you weighing geo-tracking requirements vs privacy concerns, and what is the geotracking expectation? 
A. This requirement has been removed from the guidelines.

Q. If you aren’t a distressed county on the definitions list.  And on the FCC tool, if that area is blue instead of white – is that ineligible area then?
A:  All public spaces are eligible and qualify for the public Wi-Fi solutions, regardless of being in a distressed county or not.   However, distressed county implementations are preferred.  Regarding the FCC Broadband Data Collection Tool and public Wi-Fi eligibility areas, the purpose of the grant is to facilitate free public Wi-Fi broadband access to unserved public areas with demonstrated need.  For the purposes of the ADOPT Public Wi-Fi program, an unserved area is defined as a geographic space that does not support free Wi-Fi service providing at least 100 Mbps download and 20 Mbps upload speeds in public spaces (i.e. – such as a town square, city park, state campground, county fairgrounds, etc.).  See page 19, “Eligible Locations and Solutions Eligibility” of the ADOPT Public Wi-Fi Program Guidelines for additional details.

Q: Do you have to be an internet supplier?
A: Eligible applicants do not have to be a current internet supplier to provide free public Wi-Fi services.   Eligibility requirements can be found on page 35 of the program guidelines.

Q:  Reviewing the public wi-fi application user guide unserved areas, my understanding is that you are not eligible to apply if you are in an area that is served, is that correct?
A:  The purpose of the grant is to facilitate free public Wi-Fi broadband access to unserved public areas with demonstrated need.  For the purposes of the ADOPT Public Wi-Fi program, an unserved area is defined as a geographic space that does not support free Wi-Fi service providing at least 100 Mbps download and 20 Mbps upload speeds in public spaces (i.e. – such as a town square, city park, state campground, county fairgrounds, etc.) and is not related to unserved locations such as a broadband serviceable location (BSL).  See page 19, “Eligible Locations and Solutions Eligibility” of the ADOPT Public Wi-Fi Program Guidelines for additional details.   


Q: What is the intent of the amendment from ADOPT 1.0?

A: These are indeed amendments to ADOPT Round 1 program guidelines.  The intent behind each bullet item is below:

  • Free Public Wi-Fi services are not intended to be used as backhaul solutions enabling wireline last mile or inside wire distribution capabilities within a building.
    • The intent behind this is to prevent a service provider from enabling a public space with Wi-Fi and then also using the public Wi-Fi signal to provide a point-to-point backhaul connection to an apartment building or multi-dwelling unit (MDU) to enable a “for profit” service on a per unit basis by leveraging the location’s inside wiring to distribute the signal to each unit.  This circumstance uses the public Wi-Fi platform to enable broadband serviceable locations with potentially provider claimed qualifying speeds which is beyond the scope of this program.
  • Applications proposing solutions using the public Wi-Fi services as backhaul/transport to enable wireline-based solutions will be disqualified.
    • Intent:  The intent behind this is to prevent a service provider from enabling a public space with Wi-Fi and then also using the public Wi-Fi signal to provide a point-to-point backhaul connection to a wireline device (such as a copper or fiber distribution platform) which would then enable a “for profit” service delivering qualifying services to broadband serviceable locations using fiber or copper last mile access.  This circumstance uses the public Wi-Fi platform to potentially enable broadband serviceable locations with provider claimed qualifying broadband services which is beyond the scope of this program.

Q: How long subgrantees are required to provide free public wifi upon award? 
A: The duration to provide free public Wi-Fi services can be found on page 36 of the ADOPT 2.0 Program Guidelines, at the bottom of the Eligible Applicants section.  The program guidelines state “Subrecipients implementing the free public Wi-Fi service will be required to provide free public Wi-Fi services within the proposed service area that directly enables work, education, and health monitoring for at least five years from the completion of the Project.” 


Q: From a KOBD perspective, are grant applications for Public Wi-Fi buildings to be contiguous for a single application?  
A: One application can contain public Wi-Fi infrastructure. Buildings do not need to be contiguous to be included in the application.

Q: A successful public Wi-Fi project will be supported by ADOPT funds for 5 years, right? Please confirm. 

A: Yes, the applicant, upon award of the grant, will be required to operate the public Wi-Fi network for at least five (5) years starting from the time the public Wi-Fi network build is complete per the program guidelines.  Additionally, the program guidelines state on page 20 “The Wi-Fi infrastructure investment is intended to support a free public wi-fi service for the duration of the federal interest period (December 31, 2034) as applicable to infrastructure equipment per US Treasury SLFRF and CPF Supplementary Broadband Guidance, dated May 17, 2023.”.   Please note that public Wi-Fi grant funds can only be used to build the network.  Operational costs to run and keep the network in service are ineligible and will need to be paid for by the applicant for the duration of the service.

Q: Is there any specific guideline as to the status of the Wi-Fi (in terms of technology maintenance, etc.) when ADOPT funds run out? Would the provider and community have to commit to sustaining Wi-Fi availability beyond the funding cycle/term?

A: Only costs to build and install the network are paid for by the grant, less the applicant and co-investment match.  By accepting the grant award, the applicant and community are agreeing to operate the public Wi-Fi service at their own expense for at least a period of five (5) years upon network build completion, but at least through December 31, 2034, as mentioned on page 20 of the ADOPT 2.0 program guidelines.  Operational expenses to operate the public Wi-Fi grant are ineligible program costs and would need to be funded by the applicant or associated partners as defined in the application.  The ADOPT 2.0 program is not a drawn-down program whereby subrecipients can request reimbursement of operational expenses after the public Wi-Fi infrastructure has been built.

Q: Would purchasing streaming video technology and other equipment to expand a footprint to rural areas in western KS for post-secondary education efforts qualify us to pursue this ADOPT 2.0 grant?

A:  Very specific information on the equipment is needed to determine eligibility. However, if the equipment isn’t a laptop, desktop, or tablet, it won’t be an eligible expense.

Q: Applicants are required to match 2% of the total project cost, and in-kind match can only include up to 75% of an applicant’s match. Could you confirm the following hypothetical breakdown for our records as we prepare this match documentation:

  1. Hypothetical total project cost = $100,000
  2. Required applicant match: 2% of $100,000 = $2,000
  3. In-Kind Match can not exceed 75% of the required applicant match: 75% of $2,000 = $1,500
  4. Hypothetical match: In-Kind Contributions (such as matching salary) up to $1,500, remaining match (hard dollar match) starting at $500, and increasing based on total of In-Kind Contributions to reach the required 2%.

A: This hypothetical breakdown is correct.

Q: Does the 75% In-Kind Contribution limit also apply to the 1% co-investment match? Is a co-investor also able to use In-Kind Contributions, or are they limited to hard dollar contributions for the co-investment?

A: No, the 75% In-Kind Contribution does not apply to the 1% co-investment match. The co-investment match must be hard dollar contributions.

Q: Finally, our project team, is looking at partnering with one of the research centers that is outside of their department. We were wondering if these research centers would be eligible to serve as a co-investor.

  2. The solicitation highlights that co-investors “are individuals or organizations within the benefitted community, other than the applicant, who commit funds to the project”. While these research centers are housed at Kansas State University (i.e. the applicant at large), they are not the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (i.e. the group putting together the application) and represent wide-reaching, multi-disciplinary collaborations here in Manhattan, KS. One of these research centers is interested in putting forward the co-investment required for the ADOPT 2 solicitation, but we are worried that they might not be eligible, given that the research centers are housed at Kansas State.

A: If the research centers are separate entities from the applicant’s organization, have separate budgets, have different leadership*, and act independently of each other, the research centers would be treated as co-investors.  * – Different leadership would be defined as heads of organizations and board members, if applicable.  We understand that these organizations may fit into the overall leadership hierarchy, but the leadership hierarchy will not play a role in determining co-investment decisions.  If this is not the case, then we need a better understanding of the relationships between the research centers and the department before rendering a final opinion.

Definiciones clave

Definiciones clave

Esfuerzos de adopción

Adoption goes beyond access to high-speed internet and speaks to the ability of individuals and communities to harness access for quality-of-life implications.  These efforts may include digital literacy training, low-income assistance programs (for equipment and/or broadband service), partnerships with co-working or entrepreneurship organizations, awareness or marketing campaigns, service provision to community anchor institutions and/or additional programing, along with other programs designed to meet the needs of the local community.

Coincidencia de candidatos

At the time of application submission, the applicant must demonstrate available cash reserves in an account(s) of the applicant equal to at least the required amount specified in the sliding scale match table.  Matching funds must be used solely for the Project and shall not include any financial assistance from federal sources unless there is a federal statutory exception specifically authorizing the federal financial assistance to be considered as such.  An applicant must provide evidence of its ability to comply with this requirement in its application (

Banda ancha

Broadband (or high-speed internet) access allows users to access the internet and internet-related services at significantly higher speeds than those available through “dial-up” services.  Broadband speeds vary significantly depending on the technology and level of service ordered.  For additional information, visit the source of this information:  Getting Broadband Q&A | Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (

Presupuesto y requisitos financieros

Includes an explanation of costs that correspond with the information included in the project budget spreadsheet.  The information should also explain the necessity and basis for costs and reflects only allowable costs consistent with project scope.  Content must include the last year of organizations tax returns and / or 990s.


Cualquier fondo proporcionado por fuentes distintas del solicitante, como programas locales, del condado y estatales subvencionables u otros contribuyentes.

Institución comunitaria de referencia

Institución comunitaria de anclaje: escuelas, bibliotecas, proveedores de servicios médicos y sanitarios, entidades de seguridad pública, colegios comunitarios y otras instituciones de enseñanza superior, así como otras organizaciones y agencias de apoyo comunitario que prestan servicios de divulgación, acceso, equipamiento y apoyo para facilitar un mayor uso del servicio de banda ancha por parte de las poblaciones vulnerables, como las de bajos ingresos, desempleados y ancianos (

Apoyo comunitario (narrativo)

Community partners associated with the project planning, promotion, adoption – description of each party’s commitment and role in the project.  Include any involvement by Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs) including municipalities, chambers of commerce, economic development organizations, educational institutions, healthcare organizations, libraries, public safety, businesses, non-profits, and or other community stakeholders.

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Morgan Barnes, Responsable de Participación y Difusión

(785) 207-9005

[email protected]
