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Anderson Chandler Lecture

Nov 22, 2019

Anderson Chandler Lecture

On October 22nd, I was honored to deliver the Anderson Chandler Lecture at the University of Kansas School of Business. This lecture has been delivered by some outstanding leaders throughout its existence, and it was a thrill to be in a room full of bright and engaged students, academics and business people that night.

Reading the names of the previous speakers—like Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and Ford Motor Company CEO Alan Mulally—I reflected a lot about what I was uniquely qualified to share with this group of students and community members at my alma mater.

As a 7th generation Kansan, I decided the best thing I could uniquely share was a long-range view of our state and the spirit of the Kansans that made it what it is today. I shared my view of Kansas as the home of Free State Free Thinkers.

Below is the archived video produced by the University of Kansas, which contains my full message to the group:

Just days after the lecture, we learned about the death of its namesake, Anderson Chandler. In my speech, I shared that our state was built by men and women with big ideas—innovators, risk takers, free thinkers. Anderson Chandler was, without a doubt, one of those men.

His commitment and dedication to our state is to be commended, and his life is to be honored. My deepest condolences to Mr. Chandler’s family and friends and the many people across the state who were touched by his legacy.

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