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39 Kansas towns to receive Community Development Block Grants

Feb 13, 2020

39 Kansas towns to receive Community Development Block Grants

Topeka, Kan. – Secretary of Commerce David Toland announced today the award of more than $17 million in Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) to 39 Kansas communities.A total of $17,486,103 in federal funds is being made available through the CDBG program this year. Communities receiving grants have presented plans for projects to make improvements toward water and wastewater systems, streets, facilities and housing.

“Quality of life is key to economic development,” Secretary Toland said. “Each of these investments in critical infrastructure helps keep communities competitive as they work to retain and recruit residents and businesses. Governor Kelly and I are proud to support these projects in rural communities across our state.”

CDBG funds are one of Commerce’s primary tools in supporting the state’s small, predominantly rural communities. Each community awarded has a population less than 50,000.

The CDBG program allows the Department of Commerce to distribute federal funds to Kansas cities and counties looking to improve their communities. To receive funds, projects must meet at least one of the following federally mandated criteria:

  • The project benefits low- or moderate-income individuals
  • The project removes or prevents slum or blight conditions
  • The project eliminates an urgent need created by a disaster when local funds are unavailable

Grants in this category are awarded through an annual competition and support a variety of activities in communities throughout the state of Kansas.

The following communities are recipients of Community Development Block Grants:

BourbonThe City of Fort Scott will receive $665,303 in CDBG grant funds to purchase a new 100’ Platform Ladder truck for the city. The city will contribute $665,303 in local city matching funds.
ButlerThe City of Rose Hill will receive $144,000 in CDBG funds to complete a street project in the city. The city will contribute $604,890 in local city matching funds.
CherokeeThe City of Columbus will receive $600,000 in CDBG grant funds to complete a street project in the city. The city will contribute $600,000 in local city matching funds.
CheyenneThe City of St. Francis will receive $600,000 in CDBG grant funds to complete a street project in the city. The city will contribute $812,110 in local city matching funds.
ClarkThe City of Ashland will receive $421,303 in CDBG funds to make water system improvements throughout the city. The city will provide $421,303 in matching funds it secured through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
CloudThe City of Concordia will receive $561,660 in CDBG funds to make sanitary sewer and storm sewer improvements in the city. The city has local funds of $561,661 to contribute in matching funds.
CloudThe City of Miltonvale will receive $35,212 in CDBG funds to complete a demolition project. The city will contribute a total of $35,213 through local city funds, force account construction and Landfill Fees.
CowleyThe City of Cambridge will receive $182,000 in CDBG funds to make water system improvements throughout the city. The city will provide $738,200 in matching funds it secured through USDA Rural Development.
CowleyThe City of Udall will receive $494,360 in CDBG grant funds to complete a Library and Wellness Center project in the city. The city will contribute $474,360 which they secured through USDA Rural Development.
DecaturThe City of Oberlin will receive $600,000 in CDBG funds to make water distribution improvements throughout the city. The city has local funds of $662,700 to contribute in matching funds.
DickinsonThe City of Chapman will receive $600,000 in CDBG funds to build a non-discharging wastewater treatment facility to serve the city. The city will provide $3,535,794 in matching funds it secured through USDA Rural Development.
DickinsonThe City of Solomon will receive $600,000 in CDBG funds to make water distribution system improvements throughout the city. The city will provide $1,416,424 in matching funds they have secured through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
EllisThe City of Ellis will receive $412,113 in CDBG funds to make improvements to its water distribution system. The city will provide all matching funds themselves in the amount of $412,112.
FranklinThe City of Williamsburg will receive $421,230 in CDBG grant funds to complete a street project in the city. The city will contribute $421,230 in local city matching funds.
LabetteThe City of Parsons will receive $272,500 in CDBG grant funds to complete a storm sewer project in the city. The city will contribute $272,500 in local storm water funds as a local match.
LincolnThe City of Lincoln Center will receive $600,000 in CDBG funds to make water distribution system improvements throughout the city. The city will provide $605,961 in matching funds they have secured through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
LyonThe City of Emporia will receive $300,000 in CDBG Funds and pledged $88,400 in matching funds. This grant will rehabilitate 14 homes for owned and rental units.
MarionThe City of Marion will receive $600,000 in CDBG funds to make water distribution improvements throughout the city. The city will provide $3,334,478 in matching funds they have secured through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
MarshallThe City of Marysville will receive $600,000 in CDBG grant funds to build a new fire station for the city. The city will contribute $938,448 in local city matching funds.
McPhersonThe City of McPherson will receive $300,000 in CDBG funds to rehabilitate approximately 13 homes for low-to moderate income families. The city will provide $72,710 in local matching funds.
MontgomeryThe City of Coffeyville will receive $268,500 in CDBG grant funds to complete an ADA sidewalk project. The city will contribute $268,500 in local city matching funds.
NemahaThe City of Centralia will receive $535,423 in CDBG grant funds to complete an electrical distribution system improvement throughout the city. The city will contribute $535,423 in local city matching funds.
OsageThe City of Osage City will receive $600,000 in CDBG funds to make sanitary sewer improvements throughout the city. The city will provide $979,000 in matching funds they have secured through Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
OsageThe City of Overbrook will receive $600,000 in CDBG grant funds to make improvements to their water treatment facility and distribution system. The city will provide $5,575,300 in matching funds they have secured through USDA Rural Development.
OsborneOsborne County will receive $60,350 in CDBG grant funds to purchase a new brush fire truck for the county. The county will contribute $60,350 through funds secured through the Osborne County RFD #3.
OttawaThe City of Minneapolis will receive $300,000 in CDBG funds to rehabilitate eight homes for owner occupied and rental residents and demolish one unoccupied dilapidated housing unit. The city will provide $13,700 in local matching funds.
PawneeThe City of Larned will receive $598,497 in CDBG funds to make water distribution system improvements throughout the city. The city has local funds of $598,497 to contribute in matching funds.
RenoThe City of Arlington will receive $600,000 in CDBG funds to make wastewater improvements throughout the city. The city will provide $670,000 in matching funds it secured from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
RenoThe City of Hutchinson will receive $256,500 in CDBG funds to rehabilitate approximately ten homes for low-to-moderate income families. The CDBG funds will be match with $75,130 in local funds.
RepublicThe City of Belleville will receive $175,000 in CDBG grant funds to purchase a new Standard Pumper Fire Truck. The city will contribute $175,000 in local city matching funds.
RileyThe City of Riley will receive $600,000 in CDBG funds to make sanitary sewer improvements throughout the city. The city will provide $729,200 in matching funds they have secured through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
RushThe City of Liebenthal will receive $220,850 in CDBG grant funds to make improvements to their sanitary sewer treatment facility and install a new pump station. The city will contribute $220,850 in matching funds they have secured through the USDA Rural Development.
RussellThe City of Lucas will receive $264,852 in CDBG grant funds to complete a Community Center and Library project. The city will contribute $264,853 which they secured through USDA Rural Development.
RussellThe City of Russell will receive $600,000 in CDBG grant funds to complete a street project in the city. The city will contribute $992,800 in local city matching funds.
SumnerThe City of Conway Springs will receive $600,000 in CDBG funds to make wastewater improvements for the city. The city will provide $2,977,275 in matching funds it secured through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
WashingtonThe City of Hanover will receive $600,000 in CDBG funds to make water distribution system improvements throughout the city. The city will provide $3,730,247 in matching funds they have secured through the USDA Rural Development.
WichitaThe City of Leoti will receive $596,450 in CDBG grant funds to complete a street project in the city. The city will contribute $596,450 in local city matching funds.
WilsonThe City of Fredonia will receive $600,000 in CDBG funds to create a wastewater treatment facility. The city will provide $2,219,400 in matching funds they have secured through USDA Rural Development.
WoodsonThe City of Yates Center will receive $400,000 in CDBG grant funds to purchase a new Quint Fire Truck for the city. The city will contribute $400,000 in local city matching funds.

For more information on the Community Development Block Grant program, contact:

Kansas Department of Commerce

Business and Community Development Division

(785) 296-3004

[email protected]

TTY (Hearing Impaired) at 711

