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Governor Laura Kelly Announces Start to 2021 Exporter of the Year Award Nominations

Dec 23, 2020

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Start to 2021 Exporter of the Year Award Nominations

Governor Exporter of the Year 2020 Winner

TOPEKA—Governor Laura Kelly today announced that the Kansas Department of Commerce is now accepting nominations for the 2021 Governor’s Exporter of the Year Award.

The Governor’s Exporter of the Year Award is the highest honor the Governor of Kansas awards to businesses. Exporters of the Year are considered best in class in conducting overseas business from Kansas and are honored as examples of our state’s excellence in exporting to countries around the world.

“The Governor’s Exporter of the Year Award is our state’s way of honoring its greatest ambassadors—Kansas businesses,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “Kansas businesses create outstanding products sought around the globe, and we’re proud to share those creations with people worldwide. This award is dedicated to one company each year that demonstrates unique creativity, innovation, and strength of character as an exporter.”

To nominate a business, including your own, click here.

The International Division at the Kansas Department of Commerce oversees the process of selecting Exporter of the Year. In 2019, Governor Kelly reestablished the International Division, and since then the division has helped exporters and foreign investors achieve success in our state, with more than $650 million in capital investment coming from international businesses in 2020.

“Our state excels at exporting, and it’s because of the dedication, creativity, and commitment of extraordinary companies like the ones honored through this award,” Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “If you know of a business deserving of the highest award our state offers to exporters, this is a terrific opportunity to make sure they’re recognized.”

To be eligible to receive the award, companies must be in good standing with the state and currently operating in and exporting from Kansas. Nominations must be received by Jan. 31, 2021. There are no restrictions on who may nominate a company for the award.

For more information on the Governor’s Exporter of the Year Award, including past winners, click here.

