Jun 17, 2024
TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that $4.1 million in Community Service Program (CSP) Tax Credits have been awarded to support the fundraising efforts of 26 nonprofit organizations across Kansas. These funds will enhance local access to quality childcare, healthcare, education, arts, and housing services.
“These tax credits are vital to ensure our nonprofit organizations have the necessary resources to positively impact communities across Kansas,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “Community Service Program Tax Credits are a valuable tool that encourages investment and engagement in local nonprofits.”
Established in 1994, CSP provides substantial tax incentives to donors. A 70% tax credit is available for contributions in rural communities (populations less than 15,000), and a 50% tax credit in larger communities. The credits are a direct deduction from the donor’s state tax obligation.
Each project addresses unique community needs, from modernizing infrastructure to enhancing cultural and recreational resources. The awarded projects include initiatives such as replacing city pool facilities, expanding and renovating community libraries, historic preservation efforts, and expanding arts facilities and senior care services.
Awardees were selected through a competitive, score-based process. Out of 54 applications requesting over $9.8 million in tax credits, 26 projects were chosen.
“The Kelly-Toland administration continues to focus on providing opportunities that make Kansas the best state in the nation to live, work, and raise a family,” Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “CSP is a powerful tool these innovative local organizations will use to improve the quality of life in their communities, making them more attractive for current and future residents alike.”
Click here for a complete list of awardees. Applications for the next round of the program will open on March 1, 2025.