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Connectivity Emergency Response Grants

Can A Survey Be Used To Demonstrate That An Area Is Eligible For Connectivity Emergency Response Grant Funding? How Many People Do I Need To Survey?

Aug 31, 2020

There is not a magic number of people that need to be surveyed. We recommend applicants ensure that their data is statistically significant. Factors that affect this include the number of people in a given location as well as the response rate. The question is whether the data provided can…

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Program Guidelines For The Connectivity Emergency Relief Grant State That The Most Recently Available FCC Form 477 Data Will Be Used To Determine Grant Eligibility. What Can I Do If The Data For My Project Area Appears Inaccurate?

Aug 31, 2020

While we’re using the FCC Form 477 data as our starting point in determining eligibility, we will allow applicants to apply for areas deemed served in the data if they include additional evidence to prove the area’s lack of service. This can include a statistically significant survey of the residents…

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Can Connectivity Emergency Response Grants Fund Middle-Mile Only Projects?

Aug 31, 2020

No. The purpose of the grant is to provide broadband access to additional residential, business and community anchor institution locations. Middle-mile expenses are eligible for grant funding only when they are necessary for the provision of the last-mile services described in the application.

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For The Connectivity Emergency Response Grants, Will Service Provided By Mobile Or Satellite Carriers Be Considered In Determining Areas Eligible For This Grant Program?

Aug 31, 2020

No. Only fixed, terrestrial connections will be used to determine the areas that are eligible to receive grant funds. However, applications may propose to complete the project with any technology capable of supporting the service levels described in the application.

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Can An Applicant Apply For Multiple Connectivity Emergency Response Grants?

Aug 31, 2020

Yes. If an applicant would like to submit multiple eligible projects, they may submit a separate application for each project. How to split the projects among applications is at the discretion of the applicant but applications that include non-contiguous areas that are more than 10 miles apart must include an…

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For Connectivity Emergency Response Grants, Does The Proposed Project Area Need To Be Contiguous?

Aug 31, 2020

No. The project area may include areas that are not adjacent to each other. However, non-contiguous areas more than 10 miles apart must include an explanation of how the economic and community impact is the same for the proposed areas.

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Must A Connectivity Emergency Response Grant Application Be Reviewed By A Professional Engineer Or Other Qualified Individual?

Aug 31, 2020

Grant applicants are scored on ability to build the project and maintain the network beyond the grant period. Grant applications are required to be reviewed by a professional engineer (PE) or other qualified individual. It is preferred that the review is conducted by a PE. However, another qualified individual may…

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Does The Presence Of INFRASTRUCTURE Capable Of Supporting 25/3 Speeds Automatically Exclude An Area From Receiving Connectivity Emergency Response Grants?

Aug 31, 2020

Not necessarily. The presence of infrastructure alone does not disqualify an area from the grant process. An area is excluded if service is available at terrestrial, fixed 25/3 speeds at specific locations. For example, fiber for residential service may be constructed in an area but service is not yet available…

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Can An Applicant Apply For The Same Or Overlapping Areas As Other Federal/State Funding Programs As Part Of The Connectivity Emergency Response Grant Funding?

Aug 31, 2020

No. CERG program application areas overlapping with announced and funded USDA ReConnect areas (100% grant, 50/50 grant/loan) are not eligible. FCC Rural Digital Opportunity Funds (RDOF) areas are eligible and will not be a deciding factor for the CERG program. The ineligible federal/state areas above are those that have been…

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How Will Eligibility Be Determined For Connectivity Emergency Response Grants?

Aug 31, 2020

For residential premises, applicants must identify unserved areas or projects where individual locations are lacking a fixed, terrestrial 25 Mbps/3 Mbps connection. Any geography with premises lacking access to terrestrial-based minimally adequate internet connectivity (residential ≥ 25/3 Mbps)Areas indicated as unserved per FCC Form 477 shall be automatically considered unservedAreas indicated as served per…

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