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Community Development Week

Highlighting the work that occurs in communities across Kansas, creating civic pride, and recognizing your difference makers.

We are inviting you to celebrate Community Development Week, April 1-5, 2024 with us! In conjunction with National Community Development Week, this week will recognize the impact of resources and investments made by the Kansas Department of Commerce Quality Places division. We celebrate the critical value these programs bring to our state for developing strong and vibrant communities across Kansas, which is essential to our economic growth.

Programs of the Quality Places Division include the Office of Rural Prosperity, the Office of Broadband Development, Kansas Main Street, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), Placemaking efforts, Community Service Program (CSP) Tax Credits, and Individual Development Accounts (IDA)Tax Credits. Be sure to like, share, and subscribe to our social media pages to see daily posts featuring a Commerce program and the people behind them.

Community Development matters. Community Development works. Let’s celebrate it!


Why National Community Development Week?

National Community Development Week was created in 1986 to bring national attention to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG )Program. In Kansas we have expanded the week to celebrate all Community Development efforts. Communities are not static or stationary organisms. They are fluid and dynamic and change over time. The role of Community Development in the change and transformation of a community is critical to improving and enhancing the quality of life of the community and its residents. In practice, Community Development supports communities to use their own assets to improve the quality of their place.

National Community Development Week provides the perfect opportunity to cement the importance of Community Development, in whatever way that looks for your community right now.
Highlighting the work that occurs in your community creates civic pride, and recognizes your difference makers.

How Can You Get Involved?

National Community Development Week provides the perfect opportunity to cement the importance of Community Development, in whatever way that looks for your community right now. Highlighting the work that occurs in your community creates civic pride, and recognizes your difference makers.

During National Community Development Week, we encourage communities and individuals to utilize their social media channels to “tell your story,” sharing the journey and impact of their projects. Additionally, “put a face to your projects” by showcasing the people behind the initiatives, fostering connection and recognition. Lastly, “celebrate your wins” by highlighting milestones and successes, inspiring others and reinforcing the collective achievements within the community.

Tell your story.

Share the journey and impact of your projects.

Put a face to your projects.

Showcase the people behind the initiatives.

Celebrate your wins.

Highlight milestones and successes.

Quality Places Division

Office of Rural Prosperity
Office of Broadband Development
Kansas Main Street
Kansas Main Street
Community Development Division
Community Development Block Grants
Matthew Godinez

Assistant Secretary of Quality Places

785-230-8670[email protected]

Want to Learn More About Community Programs?
