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Kansas Main Street

Main Street is a self-help, technical assistance program that targets revitalization and preservation of downtown districts through the development of a comprehensive strategy.

The program has a long history of success throughout the United States and in Kansas. What started as a small pilot program in the late 1970s has now grown to include nearly 2,000 communities in more than 40 states. Throughout the country, communities have utilized the Main Street ApproachTM to rally residents around a focused plan of action that transforms their community and enhances their quality of life.

From 1985 to 2012, more than $600 million in redevelopment took place in participating Kansas communities. This included the opening or expansion of 3,800 small businesses, creating more than 8,600 new jobs. With the return of the state program in 2020, 25 previously participating communities and new programs will once again have the resources and tools they need to breathe new life into their communities and historic commercial districts.

Designated Communities

To become a Designated Kansas Main Street community, registrants must participate in a competitive, annual application process. This process includes attending our Application Workshop and attaining recommendation by the Review Team based on their evaluation of a community’s capacity to achieve success. The completed application must demonstrate:

  • Public and private support for the program, as well as the capability of the applicant to successfully implement the local Main Street program.
  • Financial capability to employ a paid professional director, fund a local Main Street Program, and support downtown-related projects.
  • A cohesive and distinct variety of business activity conducted in a proposed Main Street Program area. 
  • An interest in, and commitment to, historic preservation, specifically in the designated downtown district.

Once selected, Designated Communities receive:

  • Comprehensive technical assistance in all areas of the Main Street Approach designed to further economic development downtown.
  • Training in strategic planning, program capacity building, and organizational management for the Main Street organization.
  • Individualized training for Main Street managers, boards, and other Main Street participants.
  • Attendance to statewide, Main Street-specific, quarterly trainings and professional development opportunities for participant communities.
  • Access to design services on an as-needed basis to help downtown property owners undertake effective rehabilitation, restoration, adaptive re-use, and infill projects, as well as the reimagining of public spaces within the district.  
  • Access to state and national grant funds (when available).
  • Membership to the Main Street America network.
  • At least one paid registration to participate in the annual Main Street America national conference.

To learn more about how to become a Designated Kansas Main Street Community and what that entails, contact our staff below.

Accredited Communities

This level recognizes exemplary achievement by a local Main Street organization and the community wide impact it has in preserving and enhancing the downtown commercial district by maintaining the historic fabric of the community as well as its position as an economic engine. These local programs have earned Accreditation status through Main Street America (MSA). Communities must first have Designated status a minimum of three years to earn Accredited status. There are no fees associated with being an Accredited Community. 

  • Access to quarterly training and other workshops as provided by KMS 
  • Targeted technical assistance as needed from KMS staff 
  • Quarterly check-in conversations 
  • Accreditation Alignment Visit every other year 
  • Eligible to access KMS and MSA grants or financial assistance and retaining IWW funds (where applicable). 
  • MSA Accredited Membership paid by KMS 
  • Two complimentary early bird registrations to MSA annual national conference
  • Telephone or virtual consultations 
Maintaining Accreditation Status
  • Continue to annually apply for, and meet, MSA Accreditation standards 
  • Submit quarterly economic impact data
  • Participation in required trainings and meetings 
  • Quarterly check-ins 
  • Mentoring as requested 
  • Use KMS and MSA branding 

Affiliate Communities

This tier is a mark of distinction that reflects a commitment and dedicated efforts to building, growing, and sustaining successful downtown commercial district improvement efforts. Recognized by Main Street America (MSA) as an Affiliate member. Communities must participate in a competitive application process to earn initial KMS Designated status and annually complete the MSA Accreditation Self-Assessment. There are no fees associated with being an Affiliate Community. There are no fees associated with being an Affiliate Community.

  • Access to quarterly training and other workshops as provided by KMS
  • Access to targeted technical assistance as needed from KMS 
  • Quarterly check-in conversations 
  • Accreditation Alignment Visit every other year 
  • Eligible to access KMS and MSA grants or financial assistance and retaining IWW funds (where applicable). 
  • MSA Affiliate Membership paid by KMS 
  • One complimentary early bird registration to MSA annual national conference 
  • Telephone or virtual consultations 
Maintaining Affiliate Status
  • Continue to at work toward meeting MSA Accreditation standards by completing the annual assessment
  • Submit quarterly economic impact data
  • Continued commitment to Main Street Approach with the objective of earning Accredited status 
  • Participation in required trainings and meetings 
  • Quarterly check-ins 
  • Use KMS and MSA branding 

Network Communities

Formerly known as KMS Affiliate Communities, this tier represents communities who have interest in becoming a Designated Community in the KMS program, or who want to gain additional tools to assist in their downtown revitalization efforts. Network Communities must be a General Member of Main Street America ($295/year).

  • Access to quarterly training and online webinars and resources as provided by KMS
  • Organizational development assistance provided by KMS 
  • General telephone or virtual technical assistance from KMS staff
  • Access to online resources from Main Street America as a General Member, including the Buildings on Main Street (BOOMS) tracking app
Maintaining Network Status
  • Maintain a General Membership with Main Street America ($295)

Designated Kansas Main Street Programs

Contact Kansas Main Street

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