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State of Kansas to host Hispanic Day at the Capitol this April

Mar 20, 2019

State of Kansas to host Hispanic Day at the Capitol this April

Topeka, Kan. – Hispanic Day at the Capitol will take place on April 3, hosted by The Office of the Governor’s Hispanic & Latino American Affairs Commission.

The purpose of the event is to celebrate the numerous additions and accomplishments made possible by the Hispanic/Latino communities in Kansas. This serves as an opportunity to both show appreciation to our Hispanic/Latino population and to open the floor for any concerns, issues or recommendations.

The event will happen from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the rotunda in the State Capitol Building.

Several speakers will be featured, including:

  • Acting Secretary of Labor Delia Garcia
  • Mayor of Topeka Michelle De La Isla
  • Evergy CEO Terry Bassham

No registration is necessary, attendance is free.

About the KHLAAC

The Kansas Hispanic & Latino American Affairs Commission (KHLACC) serves as a liaison for the Kansas Hispanic & Latino Community and the Office of the Governor. The Commission addresses public policy concerns primarily in the areas related to education, health, and business.

