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India Aerospace Trade Mission

May 23, 2022

India Aerospace Trade Mission


New Delhi and Hyderabad, Sept. 19 – 23, 2022

Join the United States Dept. of Commerce International Trade Administration business development mission to India

The purpose of the mission is to introduce U.S. companies to India’s aerospace ecosystem and assist delegate companies with finding business partners and exporting their products and services to the region.

Why You Should Join:

• Gain market insights, make industry and government contacts, solidify business strategies, and advance specific projects.
• Learn about Indian market priorities, policy and regulatory changes, projects, and business opportunities, as well as strategies to navigate the business climate in India.
• Participate in one-on-one business appointments with pre-screened potential buyers, agents, distributors, or joint venture partners in New Delhi and Hyderabad with optional appointments available in Bengaluru and Mumbai.
• Participate in Networking Receptions.

Growth in the Civil Aviation Market and Regional Opportunities

India’s civil aviation market, the third largest in the world by passenger numbers after China and the United States, is expected to continue to grow rapidly. By 2035, India’s passenger growth forecast is 442 million, with the aviation industry supporting 19.1 million jobs and contributing $172 billion to its GDP. India is expected to need an additional 2,500 passenger aircraft. India has a 20-year roadmap to develop civil aviation and envisions a five-fold increase in airports in order to handle over one billion trips a year.

Mission Stops:

New Delhi
Mumbai (optional)
Bengaluru (optional)

Deadline: August 1, 2022

$2,800 for SMEs
$5,500 for large firms
$1,000 for each additional firm representative

Optional stops (per stop):
$950 for small companies; $2,300 for medium companies; $3,400 for large companies

*Expenses for travel, lodging, meals and incidentals will be the responsibility of each mission participant.
Apply Now Space is Limited
For more detailed information visit:

Questions contact:

Amy Magat
Tel: (213) 894-3966
Email: [email protected]

Oscar Magaña
Tel: (210) 419-3043
Email: [email protected]

