Jun 28, 2024
International trade can be a valuable opportunity for companies to grow strategically and harness many benefits in the process. Good businesses that are successful in trade become better businesses as they increase their revenues, improve efficiencies of scale, diversify their markets, expand their connections, and become more innovative, more resilient, and have improved profitability.
Successful exporters generally exhibit the following business characteristics:
They also generally exhibit certain management characteristics:
The benefits of acquiring customers in foreign markets do not appear instantly. Most businesses that sell internationally start out slowly in order to better understand what is involved, what risks to mitigate, and how to best pursue opportunities. It can take time to grow capacity, realize efficiencies of scale and see significant improvement in profitability. There are stages of growth in trade ranging from selling to a few customers in limited markets all the way through being a truly global company. For companies that have the right characteristics, including committed management, international trade can elevate a good business into a stronger, more innovative, more resilient, more impactful company.
To learn more about Characteristics of Successful Exporters watch our recorded webinar. If you are an exporter or are interested in international trade, then check out our resources and reach out to our Export Promotion Team for export assistance or our Global Resources Team for broader questions.
Laurie Pieper, Ph.D., CGBP
Assistant Director, Global Resources
International Division, Kansas Department of Commerce