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Critical Minerals Supply Chains, Part II

Jul 24, 2024

Critical Minerals Supply Chains, Part II

Critical Minerals Supply Chains, Part II

International Division Assistant Director Laurie Pieper has been having valuable conversations about critical minerals supply chains with researchers and stakeholders in our Kansas business ecosystem. These are helping Commerce understand the efforts underway and will help better position us for collaboration and information sharing to help Kansas most effectively. One set of conversations has been around a project being conducted by the Kansas Geological Survey, a research and service division at the University of Kansas.

The Kansas Geological Survey is working to complete a regional assessment of rare earth element (REE) and other critical mineral (CM) opportunities within parts of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and the Osage Nation as part of a multi-state effort (Critical Minerals in Coaly Strata of the Cherokee-Forest City Basin | This project is part of a multi-year Carbon Ore, Rare Earth, and Critical Minerals (CORE-CM, FOA-0002364) initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Energy to address all aspects of establishing a domestic critical mineral supply chain and the re-use of high-value, nonfuel, carbon-based resources. The research team has partnered with SCS Engineers, and others in industry and the local and scientific communities within the Cherokee-Forest City Basin, to develop assessments and strategies for waste stream re-use, infrastructural capacities and capabilities, technology development, outreach, and public-private partnerships. The work from this project will identify information, technology, and infrastructure gaps that will need to be addressed to develop economic opportunities for critical mineral production, refining, and utilization specific to the Cherokee-Forest City Basin. These assessments may be utilized in future Phase II and Phase III components of the planned CORE-CM program for potential implementation within the region. (Thank you to Jon Yang, SCS Engineers for providing the content on CORE-CM in this section.)

Dr. Pieper is excited about joining the CORE-CM Advisory Board in August. Commerce recognizes the importance of the work being done to analyze critical minerals and rare earth elements supply in Kansas and for industries in Kansas. Collaboration and cooperation between agencies, higher education, and industry strengthen our international business ecosystem in Kansas.


Kansas Department of Commerce  Supply Chain Assessment Preliminary Survey.

Laurie Pieper, Ph.D.

Assistant Director, Global Resources

International Division, Kansas Department of Commerce

