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Aviation and Innovative Manufacturing in Kansas (AIM-K)

Aviation and Innovative Manufacturing in Kansas (AIM-K) The State of Kansas currently has 136 active leads in its business recruitment pipeline, of which 59% are manufacturing related. A trend among these projects is rapid technological development in transportation manufacturing, resulting in new processes that require large investments in new facilities…

Export Kansas

Export Kansas Export Kansas is a competitive international business development program offered by the Export Promotion Team at the Kansas Department of Commerce (KDC). The program guides small- to mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) through the process of foreign market entry to help them grow their international business. The goal of the…

Kansas Entrepreneurship and Small Business Office

Freestate Network Services

Freestate Network Services The Freestate Middle Mile Network focuses on open-access principles. This means that the network will be available to all service providers, regardless of size or scope, under fair and non-discriminatory terms. By creating a neutral interconnection environment, Freestate Middle Mile Network will ensure that both established and…

Route Maps and Planning Files

Freestate Route Maps & Planning Files The maps provided here describe assets that are still having low level design (LLD) work completed.  Minor changes, moves and adjustments to the location of assets may occur as the Freestate team continues to work through permitting, municipal and urban planning, and environmental requirements. …

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Rural Champions | Second Cohort

Rural Champions | Second Cohort Inspired by a Kansas Sampler Foundation report, the Office of Rural Prosperity, in collaboration with the Patterson Family Foundation, created the Rural Champions program as a way for rural communities to move the needle in areas where a lack of capital or other resources hinders…


Towns Recognizing the value that rural communities add to the culture of our state, Commerce is launching this new grant program to support small-scale quality of place projects that create quick, meaningful results in rural communities. Through the process, the program aims to increase local capacity, grow community and youth…

2024 National Apprenticeship Week Summit Gallery

KANSASWORKS National Apprenticeship Week Summit Gallery

Commerce ARPA Grants Grant Policies

Commerce ARPA Economic Revitalization Grant Policies