Commerce Hosts Czech Republic and Animal Health Experts for Virtual Roundtable The International Division of the Kansas Department of Commerce, in collaboration with the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chicago, hosted an online Animal Health Roundtable focusing on best practices in biosecurity and food security. Governor Kelly, Lieutenant Governor Toland Visit KSi Conveyors, 2024 Exporter of the Year Governor Laura Kelly and Lieutenant Governor David Toland visited KSi Conveyors in Sabetha Thursday to officially honor the company’s selection as the 2024 Governor’s Exporter of the Year. Lt. Governor Toland Announces More Than $4 Million Available in Community Service Tax Credit Program $4.13 million in tax credits will be made available under the Kansas Department of Commerce’s Community Service Tax Credit Program (CSP). Applications Open for Kansas Arts Commission Funding Opportunities Applications are being accepted for four Kansas Arts Commission (KAC) grant programs that support a wide range of arts and cultural activities across the state. 全てを見るメニュー
The Kansas Transparency Database Explorer details all the economic development incentive funding or economic development grant funding that provides more than $50,000. This information is updated twice a year.
Read the statuteTransparency Explorer / Community Service Tax Credit Program
Enacted in 1994, the Community Service Program (CSP) Tax Credits help non-profit organizations and public health care entities fund important projects related to community improvements, children and family services, crime prevention, youth apprenticeship or training, and healthcare.
プログラム | 会計年度 | Tax Year | 受取人 | 提供金額 | 請求額 | 残額 | 新規雇用 | 雇用維持 | これまでの仕事 | Total Capital 投資 |
住所 | 都市 | 郵便番号 | 郡 | 該当なし | 該当なし | 該当なし | 該当なし | 該当なし | 該当なし | Benefit Received | Status |
By statute (K.S.A. 74-50,227(d)(4)), the names or other personally identifying information of individuals who have made contributions or investments cannot be disclosed.
K.S.A. 79-50,22(a) states that the Department of Commerce shall collect incentive data from economic development incentive programs that provide more than $50,000 of annual incentives from administering agencies.
No credits have been claimed in the following tax credit programs in TY 2020, TY 2021 and TY 2022:
In TY 2021 and TY 2022, no credits were claimed in the
In TY 2021 and TY 2022, less than $50,000 credits were claimed in the:
In TY 2020, TY 2021 and TY 2022, less than $50,000 credits were claimed in in the Disabled Access Credit program.
In TY 2022, less than $50,000 credits were claimed in the Targeted Employment Credit.
Attracting Professional Sports to Kansas Fund has not been utilized. Therefore, no data to share.
Housing Investor Credit total in TY 2022 was $149,000. Additional information can be found from the Kansas Housing Resource Corporation.
Broadband Grants
Rural Opportunities Zones (ROZ):